(2021) Biggest Takeaway by Erick Watts

By: Erick Watts (UW-Milwaukee) My name is Erick Watts, I am an intern in the UWM Arts-Eco internship. I started working in this internship on June 28th and my final day is on August sixth. This is my final reflection and it is a blog summary of my time in the program and what I’ve learned that can be used both for practical and personal use. But before I explain all of that I should say some context and some of my thoughts from before the internship started. Last year I joined an internship run by the Walker‘s Point Center for the Arts. This already gave me an idea of what I would be getting into and how everything works. But because of the virtual nature of this internship due to Covid, it still made me anxious on how useful I would be and how easy it would be to adapt. It should also be noted that I was working an actual job during my time as an intern which definitely impacted my focus and dedication to this internship. Although even under these circumstances I was still confident I...