By: Aniki Thao (UW-Milwaukee)
These are my thoughts about the experience I had with the Internship. I have really enjoyed being at the internship. I love the people here, I love the artwork, and best of all I love the experience I’ve attained from this. Whether or not I have done work in this internship. I have definitely learned a lot of valuable lessons here. I can say with confidence that I definitely have gotten better with my art sense than I was when I first took my first class in the internship. I have some real praise for the professors who have taught us so much information in a week. In the time I was in the internship I have made some amazing art work I didn’t think I can make with my hands, but realizing that I have made so many art pieces in the last two weeks. I have a much better appreciation for the 2D and 3D art makers out there.

I had so much fun making art as a whole that I completely forgot how much time can fly when you're having fun. The art pieces I made are some incredible art pieces I have ever made in my entire life and I am very proud of what I made with my hands. My favorite art pieces I have made are the ink drawings, 3D sculpting, paper mache, and finally the hand making contest. For the ink drawings I was inspired by one of the landscapes that the professor showed in class. I made it with ink, a bamboo stick, and my hand. I say it looked very good for the conditions I was under and I think it was my best piece I made in that week. I was very happy with the results because they looked fantastic with the detail of the tree in the water. Another drawing I was very happy with was the hand I made in the figure drawing class. In that class we were supposed to make a hand sign that makes either rock, paper, or scissors. I chose scissors and I say it was one the best hands I made because of how the instructor displayed the steps so easily. Another piece I was very happy in making was my chulu looking monster on top of a building. I like the detail put into the block which gave it more of a rough appearance. I like the monster's body and tentacles, it matches very well with the aesthetic. Lastly, I had the most fun with paper mache. I thought the concept was brilliant. Taking each paper mache object we make into making it bigger and more resembles a human like figurine. I overall really enjoyed this internship but it doesn't mean there weren't any hardships I faced along the way.

I have faced a lot of hardships in the internship. Judgement from others, communication, and finally getting work done. I was so afraid in the beginning of the internship people would judge my work, but overtime I soon realize that they are like me where they also fear their work being judged. So I decided to be more confident in my creativity in art and also be more mindful of opinions. I have some of the worst communication to date. I have a bad reputation at saying what I need but not really saying it because of miscommunication. This was due to the fact I was still afraid of people judging me but overtime like I said before I got used to communicating and also to get better with it I decided to take more initiative with my messages with people. Saying what I need and if I need clarification I was able to ask the question. Finally, I have a bad habit of not working. For example I didn’t accomplish my CBC and it took quite a while to get it done. So what I did to fix this issue with working is mainly ask if I can be with one of the admins for the internship so I can have their back and I can ask them questions if needed. Overall this experience has helped in the long run.

I would never ever get a chance like this ever again. This internship has taught me so much about what I can with my two hands and what a good mentality is like. This taught me so much about what I can do by myself and what I can do with art as a whole. I am very happy I was accepted to this internship because of how worth wild experience in this field. I got taught a lot of lessons and learned so much from the professors got taught valuable tips in dance and as a creator. In conclusion, I really had a experience that would affect me long terms.
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