(2021) A Day in the Life of Ferny Lira

By: Ferny Lira (Casa Romero) 

This week I went to an art and activism retreat where we planned a mural and painted it.

On Monday we got to know each other. We played picturonary, making quick sketches of what some of the words meant to us. Some of these words related to real world issues like segregation and some were more about community like unity.

On Tuesday we went on a mural tour and looked at some of the murals around Milwaukee. We tried to identify what message the murals sent depending on the symbols we saw. (I’m the one in the pink hair)

On Wednesday we planned out the mural. We thought of what we saw in the murals around Milwaukee and tried to see if we wanted to use those examples in our mural. We had our mural idea sketched out and we started the outline.

On Thursday we began painting. I started to paint the dirt with the other art intern Sammy. So far we finished the base colors.

On Friday we started detailing and I helped make the pebbles in the dirt. It was lots of fun making spirals and circles. I painted two butterflies and the sun. (i’m the one in the red shirt)

At the end we finished the mural.
