(2021) A Day in the Life of Asia Steele
By: Asia Steele (Wild Space Dance Company)
Hello! My name is Asia Steele and I had the honor of receiving a job at Wild Arts Summer Camp as an intern this July, which I couldn't be more grateful for. I basically have to help out the teachers when it comes to things ranging from engaging the middle schoolers in activities or even just going around the city of Milwaukee putting up flyers for advertising. However after accepting this position, my schedule Mondays through Thursdays have certainly changed up. In this post, I'll take you through a typical day in my life as a Wild Arts employee so you can see what my life is like working here. Hope you enjoy the read!
6:00am: While I don't necessarily need to wake up this early, I enjoy having some time to myself before the day begins so I'm usually just laying in bed, watching YouTube videos or listening to music until I know that it's time to pick out my outfit for the day. On this particular day, we're taking a field trip to the park to do our lessons there so I knew I had to dress comfortably but not too warm since it'd be hot outside today. My mom drops me off in the morning so we left the house around 7:40 and headed to the city.
8:00: After arriving in the city, I went to Fairgrounds Coffee Shop and ordered my breakfast here. It's super close to the middle school so I wasn't worried about being late since I could just walk over after I finished up.
8:40: After doing my walk to the middle school, the work day had officially begun! I started off by checking myself in and doing my temperature. My job at the start of the day is to check the kids in as they arrive and check their temperatures so that's exactly what I did.
9:30: Today was field trip day to the park so it was a bit different than our typical days. Normally we would've done a lesson but today we spent the first few minutes of our day in the art room, getting prepared for our walk. We had to bring snacks, water, sunscreen, bugspray, etc! It did take a bit of time to prepare everything but once we were all set, our walk to the park officially began!
9:40: Admittedly, I lost track of time while we were at the park since it was different from our usual days but it was a lot of fun! We started off with theatre so, after completing our warm up exercises, we played an improv game involving creating characters and using very exaggerated emotions, the students loved it! After that was finished, we took a water break and got ready for our next class which was dance. Dance today involved a lot of rhythm related games, we even ended up creating our dances to the "...5, 6, 7, 8" rhythm. It was nice but it was definitely tiring so we took another break afterwards for a snack. Finally, art was the last class of the day and it was a lot more relaxed than our other classes.
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