(2020) Biggest Takeaway: ArtsECO Reflection

By: Olive Fuchs (UWM Peck School of the Arts)

I am so glad I was able to partake in the ArtsECO program this summer. I learned so much in just three weeks. My biggest fear going into this internship was how we would be able to move art classes into a mostly online setting. In past art classes, in person and individual guidance from instructors is what I thought allowed me to flourish. After taking these art classes, I realise that teachers who are hovering over me at all times may instead be a downfall. In these art classes, I have learned how to make a lot of my own decisions when it comes to my art, because there isn’t always a teacher there to guide me, and there isn’t enough class time to get individual help online. This forced me to become more independent in my thinking, and I began to develop my own style in my art as a result. Finding my own unique voice in art has always been a struggle of mine, and the “setbacks” of these classes has forced me to work with my own ideas.

My biggest improvement in this program has been becoming open to new things I haven’t tried before, and learning to challenge myself. Previous to this program, I was really only working on 2D surfaces, drawing physically on paper. My classes for the ArtsECO program were divided into three sections, a 2D course, 3D course, and digital course. I had never worked with 3D or digital art previous to these classes, so I was really afraid to start working with them, and I didn’t think I would enjoy it. I very quickly found out I was wrong. Once I started working with these new methods of art, I learned that I really liked learning more skills, even if I wasn’t very good at them yet. I found this especially with digital. I thought there was no way I could learn how to use digital software and create a project using these new apps all in one week. It’s only been three days, and I’m already creating art that I’ve never created before! I’m beyond shocked at how quickly I’m learning these skills. I may not be great at them yet, but I’m really proud of myself for making sure I challenge myself to the fullest extent in every class. 

Going into this internship, I knew I was interested in art education as a potential career. After working with art teachers and college students pursuing this career, I know now that this is what I want for my future. Being able to work through the Peck School of the Arts has been an incredible experience, because I have learned so much about their art education program as compared to other schools, and I’ve gotten a little taste of what it’s like to both go to school for that career, as well as instruct art classes as well, by working so closely alongside the teachers and teacher assistants. 

If someone had told me three weeks ago how much I would have gotten out of this internship, I never would have believed them. When I was applying, it just seemed like a fun way to spend my summer, but now that the end of the program is approaching, I can easily say that not only the quality of my art has improved, but so has my passion for art and everything it has to offer. I am so grateful that I was lucky enough to take part in this program this year, and I really hope to go back next year, or maybe even in college as a teacher’s assistant!
