(2020) A Day in the Life of...

By: Mahala Taterczynisk (TRUE Skool)

Hello, my name is Mahala S. Taterczynski, I am a TrueSkool intern for the summer program. The first two week of the program have been super fun and inspiring already. So far we have been to the beach, cleaned up communities and packed backs for our fellow students. At TrueSkool we have three different kinds of days, mondays and tuesdays are online days. Wednesdays are in person at TrueSkool and Thursdays are also in person but we meet at different locations usually in the community to get out more, still being safe!

Mondays and Tuesdays are our online days, this looks like our team connecting online through zoom and other sites to talk about our projects and to catch up. Last monday we had a class about e-commerce and also how websites can steal your information. It was super easy to do, I was even able to make some breakfast while in the meeting! Here's a picture of me and a few other students on zoom for our internship orientation.

Wednesdays are my favorite days because we are all inside and able to focus as a team and do in person work. This past wednesday we packaged bags for our fellow TrueSkoolers who couldn't join us this session due to Covid-19. It felt great to be able to give back, also I got to see my co-workers and interact on some new ideas.

Thursdays are also great! We get to move around Milwaukee and create cool missions. Last week we went to the lakefront beach and built sand castles, went in the water and ate sandwiches, it was super fun. This week we are getting to help out our community by cleaning up a community garden and painting a little library for it. I love painting and it was great being able to get creative. Alao as i said in my first paper i wrote, one of my wishes for this summer is to be more connected with my communities especially with everything going on in the world right now and today was a great step I can't wait to see what else we’ll accomplish!!!
